
“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”
~1 Thessalonians 5:11

St. David’s is a welcoming parish whose members are God-centered and infused with spiritual energy. The parish seeks to meet the needs of all parishioners for Christian fellowship and encourage members to participate in the community of faith.

Welcome & Connect: St. David’s 101

An Introduction to Christianity, the Episcopal Church, and St. David’s
Are you a newcomer or visitor? Would you like to become a member of St. David’s or be received or confirmed into the Episcopal Church? Do you have questions about the Christian faith or Episcopal beliefs? St. David’s is offering a 5-week class on the Basics of Christian Faith and getting connected at St. David’s for anyone who is interested. This class will provide both teaching and discussion in a small group setting, led by Associate Rector, The Rev. Thomas Szczerba.

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Welcome & Connect: St. David’s 101

An Introduction to Christianity, the Episcopal Church, and St. David’s
Are you a newcomer or visitor? Would you like to become a member of St. David’s or be received or confirmed into the Episcopal Church? Do you have questions about the Christian faith or Episcopal beliefs? St. David’s is offering a 5-week class on the Basics of Christian Faith and getting connected at St. David’s for anyone who is interested. This class will provide both teaching and discussion in a small group setting, led by Associate Rector, The Rev. Thomas Szczerba.

Foyer Dinner Groups Forming

Are you looking to make new friends within the community of St. David’s? A Foyer Dinner Group is the perfect opportunity for you! Informal groups of 6-8 parishioners will enjoy potluck dining and conversation hosted at one another’s homes. Groups will meet 3-4 times a year beginning in February-March. Adults of all ages are welcome and new groups will be formed every year. Please contact The Rev. Thomas Szczerba, Jr. (tszczerba@stdavidschurch.org), with any questions.
Register below by Wednesday, January 31, 2024.

Registration has closed. Please contact The Rev. Thomas Szczerba at tszczerba@stdavidschurch.org

Young Adult Fellowship

Brunch Monthly on 3rd Sundays at 11:30 a.m.
Held in the Parish House (Szczerba residence) or occasionally off-site.

A space for young adults (20s and 30s) to form community and explore questions of faith! The young adults group is a space for questions, doubt, and exploration of the intersections of life and spirituality. Led by Associate Rector, Thomas Szczerba, and Director of Youth Ministry, Elliot VanHoy.

Men’s Fellowship

Brian Kirby
Anthony Khan

St. David’s Men’s Fellowship is dedicated to creating opportunities for men to develop vital friendships, personal integrity, and profound Christ-centered growth.  We are “Fishers of Men”!  During a traditional program year, activities include: monthly breakfasts, a weekly Bible study, service projects, group outings, and special events such as retreats and cookouts.

For more information and registration for all Men’s Fellowship Events, click the button below.

Want to receive event updates? Join the Men’s Fellowship email list!

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

2nd Saturday
} 8:00-9:30am

Once per month, the men get together for a breakfast cooked by the Men of St. David’s, and listen to a motivational speaker. Check the events calendar for more information on upcoming breakfasts, including the scheduled speakers.

Men’s Bible Study

Mark Lane and Mike Mayer
} 7:00am

The goal of the men’s bible study is to promote an environment where both lifelong Christians and new Christians can ask questions, get answers, make friends, and increase their knowledge and love in Christ.

Women’s Fellowship

Diana Calligan
Nancy Groff
Tracey Smith

Women’s Fellowship engages women of every generation to grow in their relationship with God and to support and encourage each other in our lives as Christian women. We invite women to join together as we continue or begin our faith journey with Jesus Christ as we acknowledge His grace within.

“Getting to Know You” in fellowship is our focus, connecting with one another as well as finding our connection within the St. David’s community. Remembering the needs of others, we support St. David’s food ministries by bringing non-perishable foods to each event and gathering monthly as a group to prepare meals.

Women’s Fellowship develops and enriches bonds among the women of the church, engendering a kinship and sense of belonging within our St. David’s church family.

Want to receive event updates?
Join the Women’s Fellowship email list!

Women’s Feeding Ministry

Second Mondays
} 10am-12pm

The Women’s Fellowship meets in the kitchen second Mondays in the morning from 10am-12pm to prepare meals for our food ministry partners. No cooking (or other!) skills required, just a desire to join in fellowship and support our local partners. All of the ingredients will be provided. Please bring a non-perishable food item for our ongoing food collection!


Women’s Bible Study

Online: Wednesdays
} 9:30am

All women are invited to join this group as we continue the study of the Acts of the Apostles together, grow in our relationship with God and one another, and support one another through prayer and community.

Would you like to volunteer or get involved with one of these ministries?
Fill out the form below and someone will contact you.

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